


I want to let you all know that i am no longer going to use this blog. i do not like wordpress at ALL. the formatting in difficult and it just doesn’t have what i want. So i moved to blogger. PLEASE visit me there and continue reading! thanks!


Bonjour! It has been to long. My days are busy but i feel like i do nothing! It is kind of depressing, but Oh well!  I’ve just been having a bad week.

So i  thought that i would share with you all my favorite blogs. I am a VERY big blog reader and keep up with these daily.  Most of them encourage the things that i love and the way i want/do live my life! So sit back and enjoy:


  • This is a cute blog about a young women’s daily life. She regularly posts picture of gorgeous outfits that she wears.


  • This one of is written by one of my favorite artist’s. She is immensely talented and lives a very peaceful life. A very enjoyable to read.


  • Gorgeous outfits and pictures!


  • for all you anthropologie lovers, this one’s for you!


  • This is a blog written by a  women who sells vintage clothes on ebay. She always gives you the heads up and updates so you can get there first :D!


  • Just a really cute blog!


  • Another anthro blog. This one is relatively new to me (i just found it today!)


  • This is a great online store which happens to have a blog!


  • great Style resource.


  • This is an awesome blog! It is translated from french so it might be hard to follow at sometimes but its really great! i especially love all the photo’s.



  • Love, love, love this one! it is blogged by a young women who paints and sews. She makes the most gorgeous things! The second one is her style blog.

There you have it! My favorite reads.

So i went for my first job interview the other day. I was very nervous, but i think i did well. It was for a clerks position at “Stephan’s Pharmacy”, a local business. I could walk to it if i want! I really hope i get it but it is my FIRST interview.  Even though i only applied for a clerk position, there is a potential that  they might cross train me in filling prescriptions! that would be fun!

Here are pictures of me dressed up for my interview:




  • Shirt: Ann Taylor Loft (i got it brand new for $4.88)
  • Pants-(Sally’s)
  • Coat-H&M (Sally’s)
  • Shoes-(Sally’s)

It was a great experience and i really hope i get the job. I’ll keep you updated, they said that they will call back in a few days.

And now for my latest Sally finds. I got a great stash this week. We went really early and it payed off!

*sorry some of the pictures didn’t come out so great but oh well!*


Target top ($1.50)


Charlotte Russe ($1.50)


H&M ($1.50)


This is is really a nice blouse but you cant see from the picture. It is white with a light pink stripe. Old Navy ($1.50)


Old Navy jacket ($2.00) I am happy. My old one is too big and they are very in this spring!


Gap blazer ($2.00) Totally awesome. It fits me great!


The limited sweater ($1.50) it has little diamond buttons!


Old Navy sweater ($1.50)


No name brand ($2.00)

A good friend of mine came over for a few days this week. We really just hung around and had fun. We took him to the greatest candy store  on earth (much life the Honeyduke’s in Harry Potter). Then we went to “the view” that over looks our town, and then to lake Wallenpaupack ( the largest man made lake in NEPA). We had a blast! i also watched Mr. and Mrs. Smith for the first time and that was good!

Ho-Hum, i guess i will go. i am planning on watching Primeval tonight. I have to say it is one of the greatest shows ever! It is a BBC production and is, how do i put it, BRILLIANT!!!

Ok, enjoy!

Hello! So i was going to have a record of three days in a row but i was really busy yesterday. I went out job hunting! I got a few leads but nothing big. NO one is hiring in this economy. Ugh.  but like i said i have a few leads. For example:

  • The Giving Tree-a boutique of cute clothing and such.  That was the biggest lead. I really hit it off with the lady there.
  • Natures Grace health food and deli- got an application for that.
  • The Wallflower-another boutique but more on the up scale. They are hiring so maybe. I am going to drop off my application today

There is one place that i would LOVE to work, but i doubt they are hiring. It is a European cafe! Yes here in honesdale we have a European cafe. It is run by a french couple, and they serve authentic food and pastries. I had a bagel and cream cheese there yesterday with my mom (aka my driver). I ate, drank tea, and listened to french music! Very nice. I dont think i have a chance but i am going to call tomorrow.

A new store opened up in town. A consignment shop. It is GREAT!!!! I bought a wallet and my mom a shirt. Here’s a picture:


The outside of the store


The wallet i bought! it was only $9!

So, i have been a little obsessive with this blog:


She makes the cutest dolls and paintings! She was on the Martha Stewart show and showed how she made the dolls:


So i had my hand at making one:

00220051So what do you think?It was SO easy to do and i think she turned out to be very nice!

Being that it is Wednesday, the Salvation army has Family day (everything is half price). I got a LBD (a little black dress), a pair of shorts, a  dress shirt and my prize finds:


017I LOVE the blouse. Its brand new with the tags still on them! I love Sally’s.

I guess the only other news was that i got new shoes from target. I need sandles for the summer and i was looking for a specific kind. Low and behold, target came through and ta-da:

0011Aren’t they gorgeous!

Please ignore the very white legs ; ). I am planning on getting a killer tan on vacation. I forgot to mention vacation! My family and i are going to Assateague , Va. We are renting a beach cottage right ON the ocean and we spend a week there. I am planing on getting a ton of books ( a collection of Jules Verne to be exact), were dresses and skirts all the time and get a killer tan!

Have a great evening!

Greetings and Salutations! Wow 2 post in 2 days! that must be a record!!

So today was a good day. I went to church, all dressed up in a gorgeous dress i bought at the limited ( i got it on sale for $15!) and cute heels.  I then changed at church and went to the park with some friends (youth group was canceled tonight). it was a lot of fun. We went on a hike, got wet, and then got rained out! We hid underneath a pavilion until my mom came. It is raining now and i am happy. I like rain SPRING days. Yes spring is upon us! I am at the moment watching Alfred Hitchcock movies, eating a brownie. A great combination i might add.  Alfred Hitchcock made interesting movies. Im watching Sabotage at the moment. It is about a young mother who’s husband is blowing up London piece by piece. The wife and son are be friend a nice man who turns out to be working for the police (Scotland yard to be exact) Well the husband blows up his kid by accident, then when the wife figures out that he is the bomber he she kills him with the dinner knife (which was by accident, sorta in a very Syid and dish washer way). Well she runs to the police man (who is devastatingly handsome and happens to be secretly in LOVE with her) and spills all. MEAN while a fellow sabotager  comes to the house to wipe away evidence of  him, finds the body, and the police and blows up the house. When he emerges from the ruins, clams innocents, and walks away. The police then say that the wife is free of charge and she runs away with the police man. Very hitchock.

Anywho! I thought that i would share about Sally’s. This is what we call our Salvation Army. You can find a TON of awesome stuff there, new, vintage, and dated! I get almost ALL my clothes (some still with tags) there. So i thought i would share some outfits with you when i get them. Here is my first one:025028001


The dress was only $7! i got the shoes from Target for $5. I love Deals!

I also got this really cool tie from my dad. He was cleaning out his closet and i just had to take this. It is an original Banana Republic outfitters.

0021I thought it was cool and vintage!

And now my new project. I found this great blog and etsy store via a friend:



She makes these dolls and was recently on the Martha Stewert show, making them. I got the templates off martha’s site and deiced to try my hand in them! Here is the material i am going to use:

004Nice uh!

Alright thatrs all for now. Have a nice night!

So how Gorgeous is the weather!?! a balmy 52 degrees is not a bad shake! I hate the cold so i am happy (although it is rainy and wet out but who cares!).

Today i went to the park with my family. My dad met us over at the “central park” of Honesdale (he had boy scout leader training) and we brought snacks. My younger brothers “thing” is rollerblading. It is very good exercise and the love it. The greatest joy to them is to run through puddles and making weird alien like tracks. Ryan’s “thing” is skateboarding. He LOVES it and i must say he is getting better the more he practices.

For the past while i have been having an identity crisis. I was in a not so healthy relationship and it really messed me up. Long story short, i have no idea how to be a teenager.(i know this seems hard for some people to understand)! I don’t know what they, listen to, enjoy doing, but more importantly to me what to wear! its nerve racking! I have been learning gradually over the past few months but everything is all still new. Previously i was dressing like i was a 25 year old.  I though it was inappropriate to wear tee shirts when going out (twisted right??). So when i emerged from this way of thinking i bought some regular “teenage” cloths (jeans, tee shirts, converse sneakers, etc). But know i was thinking, i love vintage inspired clothes like this:





(These are great and i love and want everything off of them!)

So the big question:

is it wrong for me to wear these things even though i am 17? Will i be looked down on by people my own age because i wear these things? Should i not care and be myself?


i don’t know, maybe its all me but im troubled. I will have to really think about this.

Sorry im so depressing! I think im more contemplative. Enjoy the gorgeous weather!


Long time no post ( it seems that i always start my post this way, lol!).  I have been pretty busy with life.

I visited Baptist Bible College ( the college i am hoping to attend).  I LOVE it. I am praying with all my might that i would be able to go next year. I am at the moment researching Scholarships and such. All though i qualify for most financial aid, there is still a substantial amount of money that i need. Hopefully i can save up enough. We shall see. I am also in the process if writing a series of papers on the french revolution. It is my favorite time in history and i am very excited to write about it. I think i will write 5 or 6 papers in all, starting with an over view and then branch off on more detailed subjects.

I in the current position of looking for a job. Just a local one, nothing huge, but a job. It will be my first so i am excited. I am hoping for one down in town at one of the several coffee/cafe shops (our town is very tourist minded), or one at one of the smaller boutiques.  I am going around on Tuesday to offer my services.

I am doing a really cool thing with our youth group Friday-Saturday. I am participating in a 30 hour famine.  At 12:30 tomorrow, i (and my younger brother ryan) are going to stop eating. we will then go to our church and stay there over night, hanging out, playing games, etc. Then on Saturday, bright and early, we will do community service in the surrounding area (soup kitchens, salvation army’s, etc.) then we meet back at the church that night for a closing service and a break fast meal! The point of the fast is to raise money for the village of Karogoto, Kenya. Each person has to collect a certain amount of money to raise money for the cause. The name “stick it to poverty”. It should be very beneficial and fun! Here is the poster:

stick-it-to-povertyI got a tee-shirt too!

I am in the process of reading an amazing book call “Do hard things”

dohardthingshbit is written by these 2 teenage boys (the y are twins btw), Alex and Brett Harris ( if you are familiar with christian lit. you might have herd of their brother Josh Harris [i kissed dating good bye, and boy meets girl]). It is a challenging book that says that the world has very low expectations of ‘teenagers’, and that teenagers are living up to those expectations. We are expected to sit around, have little (if NO) responsibilities, and text on our cell phones. These boys challenge you to break the mold and Do Hard Things! i am only into the 3 chapter but i am already feeling convicted! They started a blog a few years ago called the Rebelution, which is also about the same thing. Challenging young Adults to break the hold that society upon has on us and do things FOR Christ! I will let you know how it goes.

And now for a little bit of fun before i go. I am currently building a list of graphic tee shirts that i would like to  buy and thought that i will post them here (why not itjitcrunchaspx is MY blog!! 😀 ):jitcrunchaspx3



Life in general

Hello to all those millions of fans who read about my life! I have been pretty busy with normal day to day life.  I started volunteer work at the local library; I have been researching colleges, looking around for a job, and visiting with friends.

I finally decide on what to do with my life. I am going to do my last year of high school through a program called Cyber School. When I graduate next year, I am planning on going to college, majoring in business technology. Good plan huh?

So I finally gave up country music. I was addicted to it for a while but now am tired of it. It’s all the same. I am now into alternative rock. Some of my favorite bands/artists are:

  • Eisley
  • Sherwood
  • Coldplay
  • Plain White T’s
  • Goldfrapp
  • Jason Mraz

I think my favorite artists are Coldplay (who WON last night at the Grammy awards! Yeah!). My main way of listening to music is my MP3 player. I have a 4GB Zune (i think apple/iPod are planning on taking of the world on person at a time). It is really good quality but a little small for me (i got it last year as a 16th birthday present never realizing how much i would use it). YouTube is also the best thing in the world. I use it almost everyday!

Some interesting art work to leave you with! Enjoy!

the world of me!

Hi! welcome to my world! My name is Meagan and i will be 17 on Jan. 21.

I was born in Brooklyn NY on January 21,1992 to my 2 great parents Donna and Jimmy. I have 3 brothers Ryan 14, Joshua 11, and Zachary 10. They are great brothers, crazy at times, but fun.
Here are some pictures of the fam:
All of us together.
We moved to Milford Pa when i was 8, then moved 2 more times before ending up in Honesdale Pa where we are currently residing. Honesdale is a small town, with a population under 3500. We are a christian, homeschooling family, attending a great church Parker Hill in Dickson City, Pa (which is not to far from Scranton for all you Office fans).
I am planning on graduating a year early from school. I have finished all my required subjects and am planning on taking my GED sometime in February.
And know some things about me. I LOVE reading, especially classic literature. I also love children’s books and have started collecting them. I already need another book shelf! Some of my favorite books/ authors are:
  • Marley and me by John Grogan (they just made this into a movie and it stuck surprisingly to the book.)
  • Edgar Allen Poe-an amazing writer! Yes his stories are scary but i simply LOVE them!
  • The Westing game- one of my most  FAVORITE children’s books ever written!
  • In the year of the boar and Jackie Robinson- also one of my most favorites!
  • A tale of two cities-The french revolution is my favorite time in history and this book is amazing
I could go on forever but i will stop now :D!
And now so random things about me. I Like making lists. I am addicted to notebooks and inky pens. I LOVE dark chocolate. I dont like any hot drinks except Starbucks and Dunkin donuts hot chocolate (which is sad because it is SO expensive). I have found a brand of hot chocolate at the stores that i like ‘Hershey’s dark chocolate’ made with hot milk and strained (i know im weird, but this is MY world and in MY world thats what I drink :D!). I am going to try to train myself to like hot tea because it is so good for you.
I like movies:

Just to name a few ;D!

I enjoy doing non-spiritual yoga, pilates, and kickboxing. I am looking into colleges for next year, hopefully majoring in photography.
So now you know a little about me and what i do! Have a great day and enjoy your new year!

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