
Posts Tagged ‘school’


Long time no post ( it seems that i always start my post this way, lol!).  I have been pretty busy with life.

I visited Baptist Bible College ( the college i am hoping to attend).  I LOVE it. I am praying with all my might that i would be able to go next year. I am at the moment researching Scholarships and such. All though i qualify for most financial aid, there is still a substantial amount of money that i need. Hopefully i can save up enough. We shall see. I am also in the process if writing a series of papers on the french revolution. It is my favorite time in history and i am very excited to write about it. I think i will write 5 or 6 papers in all, starting with an over view and then branch off on more detailed subjects.

I in the current position of looking for a job. Just a local one, nothing huge, but a job. It will be my first so i am excited. I am hoping for one down in town at one of the several coffee/cafe shops (our town is very tourist minded), or one at one of the smaller boutiques.  I am going around on Tuesday to offer my services.

I am doing a really cool thing with our youth group Friday-Saturday. I am participating in a 30 hour famine.  At 12:30 tomorrow, i (and my younger brother ryan) are going to stop eating. we will then go to our church and stay there over night, hanging out, playing games, etc. Then on Saturday, bright and early, we will do community service in the surrounding area (soup kitchens, salvation army’s, etc.) then we meet back at the church that night for a closing service and a break fast meal! The point of the fast is to raise money for the village of Karogoto, Kenya. Each person has to collect a certain amount of money to raise money for the cause. The name “stick it to poverty”. It should be very beneficial and fun! Here is the poster:

stick-it-to-povertyI got a tee-shirt too!

I am in the process of reading an amazing book call “Do hard things”

dohardthingshbit is written by these 2 teenage boys (the y are twins btw), Alex and Brett Harris ( if you are familiar with christian lit. you might have herd of their brother Josh Harris [i kissed dating good bye, and boy meets girl]). It is a challenging book that says that the world has very low expectations of ‘teenagers’, and that teenagers are living up to those expectations. We are expected to sit around, have little (if NO) responsibilities, and text on our cell phones. These boys challenge you to break the mold and Do Hard Things! i am only into the 3 chapter but i am already feeling convicted! They started a blog a few years ago called the Rebelution, which is also about the same thing. Challenging young Adults to break the hold that society upon has on us and do things FOR Christ! I will let you know how it goes.

And now for a little bit of fun before i go. I am currently building a list of graphic tee shirts that i would like to  buy and thought that i will post them here (why not itjitcrunchaspx is MY blog!! 😀 ):jitcrunchaspx3



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Life in general

Hello to all those millions of fans who read about my life! I have been pretty busy with normal day to day life.  I started volunteer work at the local library; I have been researching colleges, looking around for a job, and visiting with friends.

I finally decide on what to do with my life. I am going to do my last year of high school through a program called Cyber School. When I graduate next year, I am planning on going to college, majoring in business technology. Good plan huh?

So I finally gave up country music. I was addicted to it for a while but now am tired of it. It’s all the same. I am now into alternative rock. Some of my favorite bands/artists are:

  • Eisley
  • Sherwood
  • Coldplay
  • Plain White T’s
  • Goldfrapp
  • Jason Mraz

I think my favorite artists are Coldplay (who WON last night at the Grammy awards! Yeah!). My main way of listening to music is my MP3 player. I have a 4GB Zune (i think apple/iPod are planning on taking of the world on person at a time). It is really good quality but a little small for me (i got it last year as a 16th birthday present never realizing how much i would use it). YouTube is also the best thing in the world. I use it almost everyday!

Some interesting art work to leave you with! Enjoy!

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